Friday, July 29, 2005

2 by-lines ~ Toronto Star

Imams bring their concerns to Martin
Jul. 29, 2005. 06:50 AM

Leading imams from across the country, after meeting with Prime Minister Paul Martin in a Mississauga hotel yesterday, said more must be done to encourage Canadian Muslims to become part of Canadian society. Star reporter Sikander Ziad Hashmi was there. [Full Story]

Scholar linked to suicide bomber preached in Canada
Jul. 29, 2005. 01:00 AM

Muslim Canadians are no strangers to the life and work of Bilal Philips, the religion professor whose teachings may have influenced a suspect in last week's botched suicide bombings in London. [Full Story]


At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hamdani said Philips's ideology is harmful to Islam"

And how does that portray Islam to the media??I think that should not have been the last sentence of the article...whether or not Bilal Phillip's ideology is harmful to Islam or not, that is a very subjective matter and a more balanced statement should have been used instead...just my humble opinion

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Sikander said...

I'm not going to comment on the criticism (newspaper policy), but I'll just mention that the article was authored by myself and a colleague of mine. As well, there are times when an article doesn't end in the manner the writer wanted it to end or doesn't send the desired message due to chopping as a result of lack of space.

Also, reporters often attempt to create a sense of balance in any given story and therefore, the prominent point of is often challenged by a 2nd or 3rd voice, just so readers know that there is an opposing view as well.

I appreciate the feedback. Thank you.



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